Grade 4 Descant (364 pieces, 135 pages)
Grade 4 Descant, the first of the books in portrait format, contains 135 pages and 364 pieces of music, the largest number of pieces in any of the books. How can anyone fail to improve their recorder playing with so much music to play?! The note range in this book is Low C to High B and is fully chromatic. The keys are C, G, F, D and B flat major, and A, D, E, G and B minor. The time signatures are as previous grades with the addition of three/eight, six/eight and three/two. The time pattern Dotted Quaver Semiquaver is introduced. Note values are as previous grades plus semiquavers, quaver triplets and their rests. There are many whole-page pieces of music to get involved in and all are tuneful. Sample pages from this book are shown above.
This music is also suitable for: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone, Violin, etc.
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