Grade 7 Treble (51 pieces, 82 pages)
The note range for Grade 7 Treble is 2 octaves and a major 3rd, Low F to very High A, fully chromatic, plus one appearance of very High C, (third octave). Fingerings are given at the foot of the page on which these very high notes first appear. Any key, any note and any rest may appear, also syncopation in various forms can be found, along with abbreviations of various kinds. There are a number of unfamiliar trills but the fingerings are given under the piece or at the foot of the page on which they first appear. The book ends with a number of Sonatas and Sonata movements taken from the Standard Repertoire. Accompaniments can be found in publications listed at the foot of the appropriate pages. This book contains many substantial works; a challenge for any sight reader! Sample pages from this book are shown above.
This music is also suitable for: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone, Violin, etc.
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