Grade 6 Treble (93 pieces, 114 pages)
In Grade 6 Treble the note range is also 2 octaves and a tone, Low F to very High G, fully chromatic. Also any note or rest, and any common key may be found. As with Grade 6 Descant, the Studies can be a feature; there are even more here. Another feature in this book are the four pieces at the end of the Sight Reading section where the music calls for both Descant and Treble in different sections and movements of the same piece. Some versatility will be required! This book also ends with a number of Sonatas and Sonata movements taken from the Standard Repertoire. Accompaniments can be obtained from the publishers listed at the foot of the appropriate page. Sample pages from this book are shown above.
This music is also suitable for: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone, Violin, etc.
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